Join us for our first annual Stand Up for Recovery comedy show featuring Jimmy Cash. Jimmy will be bringing two other comedians in recovery as well. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm. Any funds raised from this event will go towards future programs and events in the community as well as helping those in need.
Comedian Jimmy Cash began performing in 2016 as an outlet to keep him grounded from the glory of his day job as an elementary school janitor. On stage, Jimmy draws from a wide range of his life experiences including his last twenty years as a janitor, being a dad to a daughter in college and a stepdad to two sons, and his long-term sobriety.
Venmo: @CommunityImpact under the business tab on Venmo
Checks: please make out to Community Impact and mail to:
Chris' Corner
Attn: Lisa Trusas
12 Main Street
Milford, MA 01757
Click here to purchase tickets.